June 2017
Theme: The Feast
Subscription box featuring creepy, dark books and usable related items
5+/5 stars

This is one of my absolute favourite boxes. You receive two books and lots of creepy memorabilia and useful items. The books I've received so far have all been new to me and the ones I've read have been great. This is what the box looks like when you receive it.

Upon opening it the suspense lasts a little longer as everything is covered up with packing paper.

So let's pull out all that paper and have a look at what we've got!

What's inside the box:

1. NOS4A2 bike licence plate promoting Joe Hill's book of the same name. It's really hard to pick a favourite item from this book but this little plate got me majorly pumped!

2. Shark Key Ring/Bottle opener with quote from Jaws on it. This isn't something I'll actually use but it's found a home in my cabinet of curiosities.

3. Silence of the Lambs stemless wine glass - I have a bar set up in my home and this is a perfect addition to my collection of bar glassware.

4. Fantasy Island Troop 52 pin - This had me puzzled as to its reference but it comes from "The Troop" by Nicholas Cutter which sounds like a very creepy book!

5. Chef's apron with the slogan "Friends Don't Let Friends Eat Friends" I love this! I'm not a t-shirt wearer so am not a fan of getting them in a box. But a ghoulish apron has me at the word go.

I didn't want to really use this as food stains on the white cotton/canvas material would ruin it. So I gave it to our resident skeleton who can't stop wearing it. This is our guest, Luciano, a fine fellow with an aversion to Amontillado.

6. A fantastic art print by Michael Broom entitled "The Night of the Vampire". This is delicious art and one of my most favourite art prints I've received. I'm most definitely framing this one.

7. An eyeball on a fork bookmark. This may be the most simple thing in this box but I am in love with the artwork. This vies for position of my favourite thing in the box!

Now onto the books! The reason we are all here.

8. Bleed by Ed Kurtz. I've never heard of this book or the author. But it sounds absolutely freaky! Amazon has this synopsis for us.

When Walt Blackmore moves into an old Gablefront house on the outskirts of a small town, things are really looking up for him--he has an adoring girlfriend, a new job, and an altogether bright future. But Walt's destiny is irreparably changed when a dark red spot appears on the ceiling in the hallway. Bit by bit the spot grows, first into a dripping blood stain and eventually into a grotesque, muttering creature.
As the creature thrives, Walt finds himself more and more interested in fostering its well-being. At first he only feeds it stray animals, but this soon fails to satisfy the monster's ghastly needs. It is gradually becoming something more, and for that to happen it requires human blood and human flesh. And once Walt has crossed the line from curiosity to murder, there is no going back.

9. Come to Dust by Bracken MacLeod. Another book I'd never heard of or its author. I love being exposed to new authors this way. This one sounds right up my alley. Nothing creepier than scary children and zombies too! Amazon tells us:
 Ever since her mother abandoned her, five-year-old Sophie has had to depend on her uncle Mitch for everything. Though their life is difficult, he works hard to keep their family together, despite the obstacles in their way. But just when everything seems to be looking up for them, it all comes crashing down when Sophie dies tragically. Mitch descends into a crippling grief, not knowing how to continue on without her.
When scores of children around the world begin to inexplicably rise from the dead--Sophie among them--everything becomes much harder.
Mitch rescues her from the morgue, determined to carve out a normal life for them no matter what, though it soon becomes clear that may not be possible. While the kids who've returned behave like living children, they still look very dead. And they can do something else that normal children cannot. Something terrifying. While debate rages over whether the children's return is a mercy or a sign of approaching judgment, a congregation of religious fanatics determined to usher in the apocalypse has its own plan for salvation.
Now Mitch must find a way to save Sophie from an increasingly hostile world that wants to tear them apart and put her back in the ground for good.

This was a fantastic box. Very well curated! There wasn't one thing in it I didn't like. The key chain and the pin were only good for me while the rest was fantastically freaky. And I can't wait to read these books.


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