YUME TWINS July 2017 - $5 off Your 1st Box!

July 2017
Japanese Kawaii Subscription box.
5/5 stars

Use my link above and receive $5 off your first box!

This is one of the most fun boxes I receive. It has no purpose but to make me say "cute" fifty times!

Every month you receive a big cube purple box which will have you oooh and awe and going into "cute" mode right away.

Then when you open it up you will see the monthly magazine on top and may catch a glimpse of some of the items included. The magazine contains a list of everything you've received. An article on the featured product and an article on a neat Japanese place to visit or festival, among other things.

I've received several of these now and this is my most favourite one to date!

What's in the box:

1. Kamio Japan box of bandages. This item was a little weird to receive but at least it's useful. There were four variations that you could get and I got Hoshikuzu Dream, 15 pretty pastel blue and purple "band-aids".

2. Disney Potemochi Plush - Now I'm not a big Disney fan. I like old-school Disney when Walt was in charge so that means anything 101 Dalmatians or earlier. The one exception to this is Toy Story. I love Toy Story. There were five variations available and I lucked out in getting the one I would have chosen from the five. Space Alien from Toy Story!. This is sooooo soft and cute. The box is made for me at this point.

3. My Melody Dental Travel Kit: Ok, again a bit of a strange item compared to what we usually get but it does fit the "Summer Holiday" theme and goes nicely with the bandages. There were two colours you could have received, a pastel blue/white or black/white. I got the one I would have picked, black. It's a cute little container with a handle that includes a mini toothbrush (you take the cover off the brush and stick on the other end for a handle) and a tube of toothpaste. I actually used the toothpaste but not the brush. I have the little item on display in my bathroom.

4. Re-Ment Sanrio Japanese Goods Blind Box. There are 8 possible choices you could have received and I got the most adorable little Japanese girl in traditional dress inside a display case. Perfect for my miniatures collection.

5. Sailor Moon Playing Cards. !!!!!!!!!! Big hit with me, I collect playing cards! I was squealing with joy at this point. This box made me very, very happy.

Subscribe to Yume Twins here and receive $5 off your first box.


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